General information postcode area IV

The IV postcode area is also known as the Inverness postcode area and contains 50 postcode districts, 31 post towns. The Inverness postcode area is part of Scotland

Postcode areaIV
Covering areaInverness

Districts of Postcode area IV in Inverness

The IV postcode area contains the following 50 districts

IV op the map

Towns in Postcode area IV in Inverness

The IV postcode area contains the following 13 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area IV in Inverness

The IV postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Achnasheen Achnasheen
Alness Alness
Ardgay Ardgay
Avoch Avoch
Beauly Beauly
Cromarty Cromarty
Dingwall Dingwall
Dornoch Dornoch
Elgin Elgin
Fochabers Fochabers
Forres Forres
Fortrose Fortrose
Gairloch Gairloch
Garve Garve
Invergordon Invergordon
Inverness Inverness
Isle of Skye Isle of Skye
Kyle Kyle
Lairg Lairg
Lossiemouth Lossiemouth
Muir of Ord Muir of Ord
Munlochy Munlochy
Nairn Nairn
Plockton Plockton
Portree Portree
Rogart Rogart
Strathcarron Strathcarron
Strathpeffer Strathpeffer
Strome Ferry Strome Ferry
Tain Tain
Ullapool Ullapool