General information postcode sector BT15 3
The BT15 3 postcode district is part of Northern Ireland
Country | Northern Ireland |
Area | BT |
District | BT15 |
Sector | BT15 3 |
Postcodes of sector BT15 3
Postcodes sector BT15 3 has 188 full postcodes
BT15 3AA
BT15 3AB
BT15 3AE
BT15 3AJ
BT15 3AL
BT15 3AN
BT15 3AP
BT15 3AR
BT15 3AS
BT15 3AT
BT15 3AU
BT15 3AW
BT15 3AX
BT15 3AY
BT15 3BD
BT15 3BG
BT15 3BH
BT15 3BJ
BT15 3BL
BT15 3BP
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BT15 3BW
BT15 3BX
BT15 3BY
BT15 3DA
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BT15 3DQ
BT15 3DR
BT15 3DS
BT15 3DT
BT15 3DW
BT15 3DX
BT15 3DY
BT15 3EA
BT15 3ED
BT15 3EF
BT15 3EG
BT15 3EJ
BT15 3EL
BT15 3EP
BT15 3EQ
BT15 3ER
BT15 3ES
BT15 3EW
BT15 3EX
BT15 3EY
BT15 3FB
BT15 3FD
BT15 3FE
BT15 3FF
BT15 3FG
BT15 3FH
BT15 3FJ
BT15 3FL
BT15 3FN
BT15 3FP
BT15 3FQ
BT15 3FR
BT15 3FS
BT15 3FT
BT15 3FW
BT15 3FX
BT15 3FY
BT15 3FZ
BT15 3GA
BT15 3GB
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BT15 3GH
BT15 3GJ
BT15 3GL
BT15 3GN
BT15 3GP
BT15 3GQ
BT15 3GR
BT15 3GS
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BT15 3GU
BT15 3GW
BT15 3GX
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BT15 3GZ
BT15 3HB
BT15 3HE
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BT15 3JW
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BT15 3LA
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BT15 3NL
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BT15 3NZ
BT15 3PG
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BT15 3RA
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BT15 3RD
BT15 3RE
BT15 3RH
BT15 3RP
BT15 3RR
BT15 3SN
BT15 3YG
Places located in sector BT15 3 in Northern Ireland
Streets located in postcode sector BT15 3
Alexandra Avenue
Alexandra Gardens
Alexandra Park Avenue
Antrim Road
Ardavon Park
Arosa Crescent
Arosa Parade
Arosa Park
Ashdene Drive
Ashfield Court
Ashfield Crescent
Ashfield Drive
Ashfield Gardens
Ayr Street
Bute Street
Camberwell Court
Camberwell Terrace
Castleton Avenue
Castleton Gardens
Clanchattan Street
Cosgrave Heights
Crosscollyer Street
Deacon Street
Dunlambert Avenue
Dunlambert Drive
Dunlambert Gardens
Dunlambert Park
Dunmore Avenue
Dunmore Court
Dunmore Crescent
Dunmore Drive
Dunmore Mews
Dunmore Park
Dunmore Park Camp
Dunmore Place
Dunmore Walk
Evewilliam Park
Fife Street
Fortwilliam Crescent
Fortwilliam Parade
Gainsborough Drive
Glandore Avenue
Glandore Drive
Glandore Gardens
Glandore Parade
Glanleam Drive
Glantane Drive
Glantrasna Drive
Glanworth Drive
Glanworth Gardens
Glasgow Street
Glencollyer Street
Grove Court
Harrisburg Street
Ivan Close
Ivan Street
Jellicoe Avenue
Jellicoe Drive
Jellicoe Parade
Jellicoe Park
Jennymount Industrial Estate, North Derby Street
Jennymount Street
Jubilee Avenue
Keadyville Avenue
Limestone Road
Loughview Terrace
Mineral Street
Mountcollyer Avenue
Mountcollyer Road
Mountcollyer Street
North Derby Street
North Queen Street
Northwood Crescent
Northwood Drive
Northwood Parade
Northwood Road
Oakmount Drive
Parkend Street
Parkmount Close
Parkmount Street
Parkside Gardens
Pittsburg Street
Premier Drive
Premier Grove
Queen Victoria Gardens
Ritchie Street
Seabank Parade
Seabourne Parade
Seagrove Parade
Seagrove Place
Seaholm Parade
Sealands Parade
Seamount Parade
Seapark Drive
Seascape Parade
Seaview Close
Seaview Drive
Seaview Gardens
Seaview Street
Shore Road
Skegoneill Avenue
Skegoneill Drive
Somerton Court
Somerton Drive
Somerton Gardens
Somerton Mews
Somerton Road
St Aubyn Street
St Vincent Street
The Glen, Limestone Road
York Crescent
York Drive
York Parade
York Park
York Road