General information postcode sector BT56 8
The BT56 8 postcode district is part of Northern Ireland
Country | Northern Ireland |
Area | BT |
District | BT56 |
Sector | BT56 8 |
Postcodes of sector BT56 8
Postcodes sector BT56 8 has 233 full postcodes
BT56 8AB
BT56 8AD
BT56 8AE
BT56 8AF
BT56 8AG
BT56 8AH
BT56 8AJ
BT56 8AN
BT56 8AP
BT56 8AR
BT56 8AS
BT56 8AT
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BT56 8AW
BT56 8AX
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BT56 8AZ
BT56 8BA
BT56 8BB
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BT56 8BH
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BT56 8BP
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BT56 8BZ
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BT56 8DZ
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BT56 8YB
Places located in sector BT56 8 in Northern Ireland
Streets located in postcode sector BT56 8
Abercorn Avenue
Abercorn Mews, Causeway Street
Ailsa Terrace
Antrim Gardens
Apollo Avenue
Apollo Crescent
Apollo Gardens
Apollo Walk
Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic Road
Ballybogy Road
Ballyhome Road, Urbalreagh
Ballymacrea Road
Ballymagarry Road
Ballyreagh Cove
Ballyreagh Mews, Ballyreagh Road
Ballyreagh Park
Ballyreagh Road
Ballywillin Crescent
Ballywillin Park
Ballywillin Road
Bath Road
Bath Street
Bath Terrace
Beaghville Drive
Beatties Terrace
Blackrock Court, Mark Street
Blackrock Park
Blackrock Road
Brook Park
Brooklyn Place
Brookvale Terrace
Bushmills Road
Caldwell Drive
Caldwell Park
Captain Shutt Gardens
Carneybaun Drive
Carneybaun Gardens
Carneybaun Park
Carneybaun Road
Castle Erin Road
Castle View Park
Causeway Court
Causeway Street
Causeway View Lane
Causeway View Mews
Causeway View Terrace
Church Pass
Coastguard Station
Coleraine Road
Corbally Road
Cormenagh Court
Corrstown Park
Covehill Court
Craig Vara
Craigahulliar Road
Crocknamack Road
Crocknamack Square
Crocknamack Street
Dhu Varren
Dhu Varren Court
Dhu Varren Gardens
Dhu Varren Park
Dhu Varren Park South
Dhu Varren Village
Dunluce Avenue
Dunluce Road
Dunluce Street
Eglinton Lane
Eglinton Street
Errigal Court
Ganiamore Avenue
Garron Park
Gateside Road
Girona Avenue
Girona Court
Girona Crescent
Girona Drive
Girona Park
Glen Crescent
Glen Road
Glenaan Drive
Glenariff Road
Glenarm Avenue
Glenbush Drive
Glencoe Drive
Glencoe Gardens
Glendun Close
Glenmanus Park
Glenmanus Road
Glenmanus Village
Glenravill Walk
Glenshesk Park
Glentaisie Park
Glenvale Avenue
Glenvale Crescent
Hamilton Place
Hamilton Place Lane
Harbour Road
Hazel Park
Hopefield Avenue
Hopefield Court
Hopefield Crescent
Hopefield Gardens
Hopefield Grange
Hopefield Grove
Hopefield Mews
Hopefield Park
Hopefield Road
Kerr Street
Knox Park
Lansdowne Crescent
Lansdowne Lane
Leeke Road
Loguestown Road
Maclevennon Road
Magheraboy Avenue
Magheraboy Brae
Magheraboy Court
Magheraboy Drive
Magheraboy Hollow
Magheraboy Road
Magheraboy Walk
Magheramenagh Crescent
Magheramenagh Drive
Magheramenagh Gardens
Magheramenagh Park
Main Street
Manse Avenue
Mark Street
Mark Street Lane
Metropole Avenue
Morrison Park
Oakland Avenue
Oakland Court
Ocean Court, Dhu Varren
Old Castle Court, Ballyreagh Road
Parker Avenue
Portmore Close
Portmore Square
Portstewart Road
Primrose Close
Primrose Crescent
Primrose Drive
Primrose Gardens
Primrose Park
Princess Street
Ramore Avenue
Ramore Street
Randal Park
Rathmore Court, Bushmills Road
Rathmore Drive
Rodney Square
Rodney Street
Roselick Road
Rossmore Park
Sand Dune Terrace
Skerries Fold, Dunluce Avenue
Skerrybeg Avenue
Skerrymor Place
Skerryview, Craigahullier
Strand Avenue
Strand Court, Causeway Street
Strathroy Mews
Sunnyvale Avenue
The Links
The Whins
Trostan Gardens
Vale Park
Vale Road
Victoria Street
West Bay Apartments, Mark Street
West Strand Avenue
West Strand Drive
West Strand Road
Willan Drive
Windsor Flats
Windsor Place