General information postcode sector BT80 8

The BT80 8 postcode district is part of Northern Ireland

CountryNorthern Ireland
SectorBT80 8

Postcodes of sector BT80 8

Postcodes sector BT80 8 has 298 full postcodes

BT80 8AA BT80 8AB BT80 8AE BT80 8AF BT80 8AG BT80 8AH BT80 8AJ BT80 8AL BT80 8AP BT80 8AQ BT80 8AR BT80 8AS BT80 8AT BT80 8AX BT80 8AY BT80 8BD BT80 8BE BT80 8BF BT80 8BH BT80 8BJ BT80 8BN BT80 8BQ BT80 8BS BT80 8BT BT80 8BU BT80 8BW BT80 8BX BT80 8BY BT80 8BZ BT80 8DA BT80 8DB BT80 8DD BT80 8DE BT80 8DF BT80 8DG BT80 8DH BT80 8DJ BT80 8DL BT80 8DN BT80 8DP BT80 8DQ BT80 8DR BT80 8DT BT80 8DU BT80 8DX BT80 8DY BT80 8EA BT80 8EB BT80 8ED BT80 8EE BT80 8EF BT80 8EG BT80 8EH BT80 8EJ BT80 8EL BT80 8EN BT80 8EP BT80 8EQ BT80 8ER BT80 8ES BT80 8ET BT80 8EU BT80 8EW BT80 8EX BT80 8EY BT80 8EZ BT80 8FA BT80 8FB BT80 8FD BT80 8FE BT80 8FF BT80 8FJ BT80 8FL BT80 8GA BT80 8GD BT80 8GE BT80 8GH BT80 8GZ BT80 8HA BT80 8HB BT80 8HD BT80 8HE BT80 8HF BT80 8HG BT80 8HH BT80 8HJ BT80 8HL BT80 8HN BT80 8HP BT80 8HQ BT80 8HR BT80 8HS BT80 8HT BT80 8HU BT80 8HW BT80 8HX BT80 8HY BT80 8HZ BT80 8JA BT80 8JB BT80 8JD BT80 8JE BT80 8JF BT80 8JG BT80 8JH BT80 8JJ BT80 8JL BT80 8JN BT80 8JQ BT80 8JR BT80 8JS BT80 8JT BT80 8JU BT80 8JW BT80 8JX BT80 8JY BT80 8JZ BT80 8LA BT80 8LB BT80 8LD BT80 8LE BT80 8LF BT80 8LG BT80 8LH BT80 8LJ BT80 8LL BT80 8LN BT80 8LQ BT80 8LT BT80 8LW BT80 8LX BT80 8LZ BT80 8NB BT80 8ND BT80 8NF BT80 8NG BT80 8NH BT80 8NJ BT80 8NL BT80 8NN BT80 8NP BT80 8NQ BT80 8NR BT80 8NT BT80 8NU BT80 8NX BT80 8NZ BT80 8PA BT80 8PD BT80 8PE BT80 8PF BT80 8PH BT80 8PJ BT80 8PL BT80 8PN BT80 8PP BT80 8PQ BT80 8PS BT80 8PT BT80 8PU BT80 8PW BT80 8PX BT80 8PY BT80 8PZ BT80 8QA BT80 8QB BT80 8QD BT80 8QE BT80 8QF BT80 8QG BT80 8QH BT80 8QJ BT80 8QL BT80 8QN BT80 8QP BT80 8QR BT80 8QS BT80 8QT BT80 8QU BT80 8QW BT80 8QX BT80 8QY BT80 8QZ BT80 8RA BT80 8RB BT80 8RD BT80 8RE BT80 8RF BT80 8RG BT80 8RH BT80 8RJ BT80 8RL BT80 8RN BT80 8RP BT80 8RQ BT80 8RR BT80 8RS BT80 8RT BT80 8RU BT80 8RW BT80 8RX BT80 8RY BT80 8RZ BT80 8SA BT80 8SB BT80 8SD BT80 8SE BT80 8SF BT80 8SG BT80 8SH BT80 8SJ BT80 8SL BT80 8SN BT80 8SQ BT80 8SR BT80 8SS BT80 8ST BT80 8SU BT80 8SW BT80 8SX BT80 8SY BT80 8SZ BT80 8TA BT80 8TB BT80 8TD BT80 8TE BT80 8TF BT80 8TG BT80 8TH BT80 8TJ BT80 8TL BT80 8TN BT80 8TP BT80 8TQ BT80 8TR BT80 8TS BT80 8TT BT80 8TU BT80 8TW BT80 8TY BT80 8TZ BT80 8UA BT80 8UB BT80 8UD BT80 8UE BT80 8UF BT80 8UH BT80 8UJ BT80 8UL BT80 8UN BT80 8UP BT80 8UQ BT80 8UR BT80 8UT BT80 8UU BT80 8UX BT80 8UY BT80 8UZ BT80 8WA BT80 8WD BT80 8WE BT80 8WF BT80 8WH BT80 8WJ BT80 8WL BT80 8WP BT80 8WQ BT80 8WR BT80 8WS BT80 8WT BT80 8WU BT80 8WX BT80 8WY BT80 8XA BT80 8XB BT80 8XD BT80 8XE BT80 8XF BT80 8XG BT80 8XN BT80 8XP BT80 8XQ BT80 8XR BT80 8XS BT80 8XT BT80 8XU BT80 8XW BT80 8XX BT80 8XY BT80 8XZ BT80 8YA BT80 8YB BT80 8YE BT80 8YF BT80 8YP BT80 8YX BT80 8ZA BT80 8ZF

Places located in sector BT80 8 in Northern Ireland

Streets located in postcode sector BT80 8

Adair Avenue Adair Close Adair Gardens Adair Park Annaghone Road Ash Grove Ashlea Beechway Berkley Mews, Tullyhogue Berkley Square, Tullyhogue Birchgrove Bramble Lane Brewery Lane Burn Road Burnbank Burnbrae Crescent Burnvale Crescent Cahoo Lane, Tullyhogue Castle Court Castle Manor Castle Mews Castle Road Castle Villas Cedar Heights Cemetery Road Central Avenue Central Close, James Street Chapel Court Chapel Road Chapel Street Church Heights Church Street Claggan Lane Claggan Park Clare Cottages Clare Lane Cloghog Road Coagh Crescent Coagh Road Coagh Street Convent Road Cooke Crescent Coolmount Avenue Coolmount Drive Coolmount Park Coolmount Way Coolnafranky Coolnafranky Park Coolreaghs Road Derramore View Derramore Way Derrygonigan Road Derryloran Place Desertcreat Road, Tullyhogue Donaghrisk Road, Tullyhogue Downs Road, Tullyhogue Drapersfield Road Drum Road Drumcree Drumgarrell Road Drummond Road Drumvale Avenue Drumvale Park Dufless Road Dungannon Road Dungannon Road, Tullyhogue Dunleath Avenue Dunmore Close Dunmore Crescent Dunmore Park Edinburgh Drive Fairhill Close Fairhill Grove Fairhill Road Ferguy Close Ferguy Heights Ferguy Park Festival Park Forth Glen Forthill Drive Forthill Rise Fortview Terrace Fountain Close Fountain Court Fountain Road Gallion Glen Garden Mews Giboney Court Glenavon Gardens Glenavon Park Glencree Glenwood Crest Golf View Gortagammon Road, Tullyhogue Gortalowry Park Grange Gardens Grange Road Greenacres Greenvale Drive High Cross Road, Tullyhogue James Street Jubilee Park Killybearn Lane Killybearn Road Killycolp Road, Tullyhogue Killymoon Crescent Killymoon Demesne Killymoon Road Killymoon Street Kings Park, Tullyhogue Knockanroe Road Knockmoyle Lime Court Lime Gardens Limekiln Lane Lindesayville Road, Tullyhogue Liscoole Lismoney Road Lissan Close Lissan Drive Lissan Road Lomond Heights Loran Meadow Loran Vale Loran Way Lower Grange Road Loy Street Main Street, Tullyhogue Maloon Court Maloon Drive Maloon Heights Maloon Hill Maloon Manor Maloon Park Maloon Place Maloon View Maloon Way Millane Manor Millburn Avenue Millburn Close Millburn Park Millburn Street Molesworth Court Molesworth Mews Molesworth Road Molesworth Street Moneymore Road Morgan Close Morgan Drive Morgans Hill Road Newmills Road, Tullyhogue Northland Gardens O'Neill Park, Tullyhogue Oakview Old Coagh Road Old Park Mews Oldtown Street Oritor Road Orritor Crescent Orritor Lane Orritor Road Orritor Road Retail Park Orritor Street Park Avenue Parkmount Poplar Hill Road Princess Avenue Queens Avenue Rathbeg Ratheen Avenue Rathmore Rathmore Court Rocheville Sandy Row Sessiagh Road Sessiagh Road, Tullyhogue Sinton Court Soarn Road Sperrin Mews St Jeans Cottages Stewart Avenue Sullenboy Park Sweep Road The Ash The Beeches The Dales The Pines The Spires Tullagh Drive Tullagh Road Tullagh View Tullaville Tullylagan Road, Tullyhogue Tullyveagh Road Tullywiggan Cottages Tullywiggan Road Tullywiggan Road, Tullyhogue Union Court Union Place Union Street Westbury Close Westbury Crescent Westbury Drive Westbury Gardens Westbury Way Westfort Westland Court Westland Crescent Westland Drive Westland Park Westland Road Westland Road South Westwood Park William Street Windsor Crescent Woodglen Crescent Woodland Drive