General information postcode area KW

The KW postcode area is also known as the Kirkwall postcode area and contains 16 postcode districts, 15 post towns. The Kirkwall postcode area is part of Scotland

Postcode areaKW
Covering areaKirkwall

Districts of Postcode area KW in Kirkwall

The KW postcode area contains the following 16 districts

KW op the map

Towns in Postcode area KW in Kirkwall

The KW postcode area contains the following 4 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area KW in Kirkwall

The KW postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Berriedale Berriedale
Brora Brora
Dunbeath Dunbeath
Forsinard Forsinard
Golspie Golspie
Halkirk Halkirk
Helmsdale Helmsdale
Kinbrace Kinbrace
Kirkwall Kirkwall
Latheron Latheron
Lybster Lybster
Orkney Orkney
Stromness Stromness
Thurso Thurso
Wick Wick