General information postcode area ML

The ML postcode area is also known as the Motherwell postcode area and contains 12 postcode districts, 12 post towns. The Motherwell postcode area is part of Scotland

Postcode areaML
Covering areaMotherwell

Districts of Postcode area ML in Motherwell

The ML postcode area contains the following 12 districts

ML op the map

Towns in Postcode area ML in Motherwell

The ML postcode area contains the following 10 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area ML in Motherwell

The ML postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Airdrie Airdrie
Bellshill Bellshill
Biggar Biggar
Carluke Carluke
Coatbridge Coatbridge
Hamilton Hamilton
Lanark Lanark
Larkhall Larkhall
Motherwell Motherwell
Shotts Shotts
Strathaven Strathaven
Wishaw Wishaw