General information Oxwich Green
Oxwich Green is a Hamlet in Wales. The post town of Oxwich Green is Abertawe.
Hamlet name | Oxwich Green |
Local type | Hamlet |
Post town | Abertawe |
Country | Wales |
Oxwich Green postcode areas
Oxwich Green has 1 postcode area. For more details about a particular street or postcode in Oxwich Green, browse through a postcode area to find more information about postcodes in Oxwich Green.
Oxwich Green postcode districts
Oxwich Green has 1 postcode district. For more information about a particular postcode or street in Oxwich Green, Browse through a postcode district to find more details about Oxwich Green postcodes.
Towns and cities nearby Oxwich Green
Oxwich Green on the map
Geography Oxwich Green
Latitude | 51.55312293 |
Longitude | -4.17315834 |
Easting | 249431 |
Northing | 186042 |
All places nearby Oxwich Green
Railway stations in and near Oxwich Green
3 railway stations found in and nearby Oxwich Green
Name |
Llanelli |
Pembrey and Burry Port |
Gowerton |