General information postcode area TD

The TD postcode area is also known as the Galashiels postcode area and contains 15 postcode districts, 17 post towns. The Galashiels postcode area is part of Scotland

Postcode areaTD
Covering areaGalashiels

Districts of Postcode area TD in Galashiels

The TD postcode area contains the following 15 districts

TD op the map

Towns in Postcode area TD in Galashiels

The TD postcode area contains the following 11 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area TD in Galashiels

The TD postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Berwick-upon-Tweed Berwick-upon-Tweed
Cockburnspath Cockburnspath
Coldstream Coldstream
Cornhill-on-Tweed Cornhill-on-Tweed
Duns Duns
Earlston Earlston
Eyemouth Eyemouth
Galashiels Galashiels
Gordon Gordon
Hawick Hawick
Jedburgh Jedburgh
Kelso Kelso
Lauder Lauder
Melrose Melrose
Mindrum Mindrum
Newcastleton Newcastleton
Selkirk Selkirk