General information postcode area CH

The CH postcode area is also known as the Chester postcode area and contains 37 postcode districts, 13 post towns. The Chester postcode area is part of the Wales region.

UK regionWales
Postcode areaCH
Covering areaChester

Districts of Postcode area CH in Chester

The CH postcode area contains the following 37 districts

CH op the map

Towns in Postcode area CH in Chester

The CH postcode area contains the following 16 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area CH in Chester

The CH postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Bagillt Bagillt
Birkenhead Birkenhead
Buckley Buckley
Chester Chester
Deeside Deeside
Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port
Flint Flint
Holywell Holywell
Mold Mold
Neston Neston
Prenton Prenton
Wallasey Wallasey
Wirral Wirral