General information postcode area IG

The IG postcode area is also known as the Ilford postcode area and contains 11 postcode districts, 6 post towns. The Ilford postcode area is part of the Greater London region.

UK regionGreater London
Postcode areaIG
Covering areaIlford

Districts of Postcode area IG in Ilford

The IG postcode area contains the following 11 districts

IG op the map

Towns in Postcode area IG in Ilford

The IG postcode area contains the following 2 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area IG in Ilford

The IG postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Barking Barking
Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst Hill
Chigwell Chigwell
Ilford Ilford
Loughton Loughton
Woodford Green Woodford Green