General information postcode area ME

The ME postcode area is also known as the Rochester postcode area and contains 21 postcode districts, 11 post towns. The Rochester postcode area is part of the South East region.

UK regionSouth East
Postcode areaME
Covering areaRochester

Districts of Postcode area ME in Rochester

The ME postcode area contains the following 21 districts

ME op the map

Towns in Postcode area ME in Rochester

The ME postcode area contains the following 11 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area ME in Rochester

The ME postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Aylesford Aylesford
Chatham Chatham
Faversham Faversham
Gillingham Gillingham
Maidstone Maidstone
Queenborough Queenborough
Rochester Rochester
Sheerness Sheerness
Sittingbourne Sittingbourne
Snodland Snodland
West Malling West Malling