General information postcode area NN

The NN postcode area is also known as the Northampton postcode area and contains 19 postcode districts, 8 post towns. The Northampton postcode area is part of the East Midlands region.

UK regionEast Midlands
Postcode areaNN
Covering areaNorthampton

Districts of Postcode area NN in Northampton

The NN postcode area contains the following 19 districts

NN op the map

Towns in Postcode area NN in Northampton

The NN postcode area contains the following 14 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area NN in Northampton

The NN postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Brackley Brackley
Corby Corby
Daventry Daventry
Kettering Kettering
Northampton Northampton
Rushden Rushden
Towcester Towcester
Wellingborough Wellingborough