General information postcode sector OX33 1
The OX33 1 postcode district is part of the South West region in England
Country | England |
UK region | South West |
Area | OX |
District | OX33 |
Sector | OX33 1 |
Postcodes of sector OX33 1
Postcodes sector OX33 1 has 285 full postcodes
OX33 1AD
OX33 1AE
OX33 1AF
OX33 1AG
OX33 1AH
OX33 1AJ
OX33 1AL
OX33 1AN
OX33 1AP
OX33 1AQ
OX33 1AR
OX33 1AS
OX33 1AT
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OX33 1AX
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OX33 1BY
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OX33 1EA
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OX33 1EF
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OX33 1EN
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OX33 1FQ
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OX33 1HA
OX33 1HB
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OX33 1YX
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OX33 1ZD
OX33 1ZW
OX33 1ZX
OX33 1 op the map
Places located in sector OX33 1 in England
Streets located in postcode sector OX33 1
Acremead Road
Ambrose Rise
Anson Close
Badger Close
Barlow Close
Beech Road
Beeching Way
Bell Lane
Biscoe Court
Blenheim Lane
Blenheim Road
Blenheim Way
Brill Road
Buryhook Corner
Butler Close
Butts Road
Centre Rise
Church Close
Church Hill
Church Lane
Church Road
Collcutt Close
College Way
Coopers Close
Copcot Close
Courtfield Road
Cox Lane
Crown Road
Crown Square
Cuddesdon Road
Cullum Road
Elm Close
Elton Crescent
Fairfax Gate
Farm Close Lane
Farm Close Road
Fords Close
Forge Close
Friday Lane
Gardiner Close
Gidley Way
High Street
Hill Rise
Hillary Way
Hillcraft Road
Holloway Road
Horton Hill
Horton Road
Howe Close
Jackies Lane
Kelham Hall Drive
Kelly's Road
Keydale Road
Kiln Lane
Kimber Close
Ladder Hill
Leyshon Road
Littleworth Park
Littleworth Road
London Road
Main Street
Manor Drive
Manor Farm Road
Mickle Way
Middle Road
Mill Lane
Mill Street
Miller Road
Milton Crescent
Morland Close
Mulberry Drive
Oakley Road
Old London Road
Old Road
Orchard Close
Oxford Road
Park Hill
Pound Lane
Powell Close
Prospect Park
Roman Road
Silver Birches
Simon's Close
Spring Lane
St Mary's Close
Stanton Road
Station Road
Straight Mile Road
Sunny Rise
Templars Close
The Avenue
The Glebe
The Green
The Triangle
Tyndale Place
Valley Road
Ventfield Close
Welcome Break Oxford Services
Westfield Road
Wheatley Bypass
Wheatley Road
Windmill Lane
Woodperry Hill
Wren Close
Wrightson Close