General information Medbourne

Medbourne is a Suburban Area in South East, England. The post town of Medbourne is Milton Keynes.

Suburban Area nameMedbourne
Local typeSuburban Area
Post town Milton Keynes
RegionSouth East

Medbourne postcode areas

Medbourne has 1 postcode area. For more details about a particular street or postcode in Medbourne, browse through a postcode area to find more information about postcodes in Medbourne.

Postcode area Area covered UK region
MK Milton Keynes South East

Medbourne postcode districts

Medbourne has 1 postcode district. For more information about a particular postcode or street in Medbourne, Browse through a postcode district to find more details about Medbourne postcodes.


Medbourne on the map

Geography Medbourne


All places nearby Medbourne

Railway stations in and near Medbourne

5 railway stations found in and nearby Medbourne

Miniature Train
Fenny Stratford
Bow Brickhill
Woburn Sands
Aspley Guise