General information postcode sector SO19 1
The SO19 1 postcode district is part of the South East region in England
Country | England |
UK region | South East |
Area | SO |
District | SO19 |
Sector | SO19 1 |
Postcodes of sector SO19 1
Postcodes sector SO19 1 has 50 full postcodes
SO19 1AB
SO19 1AD
SO19 1BE
SO19 1BG
SO19 1BH
SO19 1BJ
SO19 1BL
SO19 1BN
SO19 1BP
SO19 1BQ
SO19 1BR
SO19 1BS
SO19 1BT
SO19 1BU
SO19 1BW
SO19 1BX
SO19 1BY
SO19 1BZ
SO19 1DA
SO19 1DB
SO19 1DD
SO19 1DE
SO19 1DF
SO19 1DG
SO19 1DH
SO19 1DJ
SO19 1DL
SO19 1DN
SO19 1DP
SO19 1DQ
SO19 1DR
SO19 1DS
SO19 1DT
SO19 1DU
SO19 1DW
SO19 1DX
SO19 1DY
SO19 1EB
SO19 1EE
SO19 1EF
SO19 1EG
SO19 1EN
SO19 1FW
SO19 1RA
SO19 1RB
SO19 1RD
SO19 1RG
SO19 1SE
SO19 1SF
SO19 1SH
SO19 1 op the map
Places located in sector SO19 1 in England
Streets located in postcode sector SO19 1
Alandale Road
Ashby Road
Belton Road
Bisley Court
Bowman Court
Butt's Crescent
Butt's Road
Butt's Square
Canterbury Avenue
Constable Close
Crest Way
Crowther Close
Dragoon Close
Glenside Avenue
Hamtun Road
Heathfield Close
Heathfield Road
Heyes Drive
Hilltop Drive
Imber Way
Landseer Road
Magpie Gardens
Marie Road
Orpen Road
Range Gardens
Shooters Hill Close
Swanmore Avenue
The Old Well Close
Whistler Close
Whistler Road