General information postcode area TA

The TA postcode area is also known as the Taunton postcode area and contains 24 postcode districts, 19 post towns. The Taunton postcode area is part of the South West region.

UK regionSouth West
Postcode areaTA
Covering areaTaunton

Districts of Postcode area TA in Taunton

The TA postcode area contains the following 24 districts

TA op the map

Towns in Postcode area TA in Taunton

The TA postcode area contains the following 15 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area TA in Taunton

The TA postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Bridgwater Bridgwater
Burnham-on-Sea Burnham-on-Sea
Chard Chard
Crewkerne Crewkerne
Dulverton Dulverton
Highbridge Highbridge
Hinton St. George Hinton St. George
Ilminster Ilminster
Langport Langport
Martock Martock
Merriott Merriott
Minehead Minehead
Montacute Montacute
Somerton Somerton
South Petherton South Petherton
Stoke-sub-Hamdon Stoke-sub-Hamdon
Taunton Taunton
Watchet Watchet
Wellington Wellington