General information postcode area TQ

The TQ postcode area is also known as the Torquay postcode area and contains 14 postcode districts, 11 post towns. The Torquay postcode area is part of the South West region.

UK regionSouth West
Postcode areaTQ
Covering areaTorquay

Districts of Postcode area TQ in Torquay

The TQ postcode area contains the following 14 districts

TQ op the map

Towns in Postcode area TQ in Torquay

The TQ postcode area contains the following 16 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area TQ in Torquay

The TQ postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Brixham Brixham
Buckfastleigh Buckfastleigh
Dartmouth Dartmouth
Kingsbridge Kingsbridge
Newton Abbot Newton Abbot
Paignton Paignton
Salcombe Salcombe
South Brent South Brent
Teignmouth Teignmouth
Torquay Torquay
Totnes Totnes