General information postcode area BA

The BA postcode area is also known as the Bath postcode area and contains 19 postcode districts, 16 post towns. The Bath postcode area is part of the South West region.

UK regionSouth West
Postcode areaBA
Covering areaBath

Districts of Postcode area BA in Bath

The BA postcode area contains the following 19 districts

BA op the map

Towns in Postcode area BA in Bath

The BA postcode area contains the following 17 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area BA in Bath

The BA postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Bath Bath
Bradford-on-Avon Bradford-on-Avon
Bruton Bruton
Castle Cary Castle Cary
Frome Frome
Glastonbury Glastonbury
Radstock Radstock
Shepton Mallet Shepton Mallet
Street Street
Templecombe Templecombe
Trowbridge Trowbridge
Warminster Warminster
Wells Wells
Westbury Westbury
Wincanton Wincanton
Yeovil Yeovil