General information postcode area CA

The CA postcode area is also known as the Carlisle postcode area and contains 30 postcode districts, 22 post towns. The Carlisle postcode area is part of the North West region.

UK regionNorth West
Postcode areaCA
Covering areaCarlisle

Districts of Postcode area CA in Carlisle

The CA postcode area contains the following 30 districts

CA op the map

Towns in Postcode area CA in Carlisle

The CA postcode area contains the following 17 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area CA in Carlisle

The CA postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Alston Alston
Appleby-in-Westmorland Appleby-in-Westmorland
Beckermet Beckermet
Brampton Brampton
Carlisle Carlisle
Cleator Cleator
Cleator Moor Cleator Moor
Cockermouth Cockermouth
Egremont Egremont
Frizington Frizington
Holmrook Holmrook
Keswick Keswick
Kirkby Stephen Kirkby Stephen
Maryport Maryport
Moor Row Moor Row
Penrith Penrith
Ravenglass Ravenglass
Seascale Seascale
St. Bees St. Bees
Whitehaven Whitehaven
Wigton Wigton
Workington Workington