General information postcode area CR

The CR postcode area is also known as the Croydon postcode area and contains 11 postcode districts, 10 post towns. The Croydon postcode area is part of the South East region.

UK regionSouth East
Postcode areaCR
Covering areaCroydon

Districts of Postcode area CR in Croydon

The CR postcode area contains the following 11 districts

CR op the map

Towns in Postcode area CR in Croydon

The CR postcode area contains the following 2 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area CR in Croydon

The CR postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Caterham Caterham
Coulsdon Coulsdon
Croydon Croydon
Kenley Kenley
Mitcham Mitcham
Purley Purley
South Croydon South Croydon
Thornton Heath Thornton Heath
Warlingham Warlingham
Whyteleafe Whyteleafe