General information postcode area DG

The DG postcode area is also known as the Dumfries and Galloway postcode area and contains 15 postcode districts, 14 post towns. The Dumfries and Galloway postcode area is part of Scotland

Postcode areaDG
Covering areaDumfries and Galloway

Districts of Postcode area DG in Dumfries and Galloway

The DG postcode area contains the following 15 districts

DG op the map

Towns in Postcode area DG in Dumfries and Galloway

The DG postcode area contains the following 16 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area DG in Dumfries and Galloway

The DG postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Annan Annan
Canonbie Canonbie
Castle Douglas Castle Douglas
Dalbeattie Dalbeattie
Dumfries Dumfries
Gretna Gretna
Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbright
Langholm Langholm
Lockerbie Lockerbie
Moffat Moffat
Newton Stewart Newton Stewart
Sanquhar Sanquhar
Stranraer Stranraer
Thornhill Thornhill