General information postcode area PE

The PE postcode area is also known as the Peterborough postcode area and contains 36 postcode districts, 18 post towns. The Peterborough postcode area is part of the East Midlands region.

UK regionEast Midlands
Postcode areaPE
Covering areaPeterborough

Districts of Postcode area PE in Peterborough

The PE postcode area contains the following 36 districts

PE op the map

Towns in Postcode area PE in Peterborough

The PE postcode area contains the following 26 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area PE in Peterborough

The PE postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Boston Boston
Bourne Bourne
Chatteris Chatteris
Downham Market Downham Market
Hunstanton Hunstanton
Huntingdon Huntingdon
King's Lynn King's Lynn
March March
Peterborough Peterborough
Sandringham Sandringham
Skegness Skegness
Spalding Spalding
Spilsby Spilsby
St. Ives St. Ives
St. Neots St. Neots
Stamford Stamford
Swaffham Swaffham
Wisbech Wisbech