General information postcode area RM

The RM postcode area is also known as the Romford postcode area and contains 20 postcode districts, 9 post towns. The Romford postcode area is part of the East of England region.

UK regionEast of England
Postcode areaRM
Covering areaRomford

Districts of Postcode area RM in Romford

The RM postcode area contains the following 20 districts

RM op the map

Towns in Postcode area RM in Romford

The RM postcode area contains the following 2 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area RM in Romford

The RM postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Dagenham Dagenham
Grays Grays
Hornchurch Hornchurch
Purfleet Purfleet
Rainham Rainham
Romford Romford
South Ockendon South Ockendon
Tilbury Tilbury
Upminster Upminster