General information postcode area CT

The CT postcode area is also known as the Canterbury postcode area and contains 22 postcode districts, 13 post towns. The Canterbury postcode area is part of the South East region.

UK regionSouth East
Postcode areaCT
Covering areaCanterbury

Districts of Postcode area CT in Canterbury

The CT postcode area contains the following 22 districts

CT op the map

Towns in Postcode area CT in Canterbury

The CT postcode area contains the following 11 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area CT in Canterbury

The CT postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Birchington Birchington
Broadstairs Broadstairs
Canterbury Canterbury
Deal Deal
Dover Dover
Folkestone Folkestone
Herne Bay Herne Bay
Hythe Hythe
Margate Margate
Ramsgate Ramsgate
Sandwich Sandwich
Westgate-on-Sea Westgate-on-Sea
Whitstable Whitstable