General information postcode area GU

The GU postcode area is also known as the Guildford postcode area and contains 39 postcode districts, 24 post towns. The Guildford postcode area is part of the South East region.

UK regionSouth East
Postcode areaGU
Covering areaGuildford

Districts of Postcode area GU in Guildford

The GU postcode area contains the following 39 districts

GU op the map

Towns in Postcode area GU in Guildford

The GU postcode area contains the following 18 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area GU in Guildford

The GU postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Aldershot Aldershot
Alton Alton
Bagshot Bagshot
Bordon Bordon
Camberley Camberley
Cranleigh Cranleigh
Farnborough Farnborough
Farnham Farnham
Fleet Fleet
Godalming Godalming
Guildford Guildford
Haslemere Haslemere
Hindhead Hindhead
Lightwater Lightwater
Liphook Liphook
Liss Liss
Midhurst Midhurst
Petersfield Petersfield
Petworth Petworth
Sandhurst Sandhurst
Virginia Water Virginia Water
Windlesham Windlesham
Woking Woking
Yateley Yateley