General information postcode area BN

The BN postcode area is also known as the Brighton postcode area and contains 36 postcode districts, 18 post towns. The Brighton postcode area is part of the South East region.

UK regionSouth East
Postcode areaBN
Covering areaBrighton

Districts of Postcode area BN in Brighton

The BN postcode area contains the following 36 districts

BN op the map

Towns in Postcode area BN in Brighton

The BN postcode area contains the following 14 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area BN in Brighton

The BN postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Arundel Arundel
Brighton Brighton
Eastbourne Eastbourne
Hailsham Hailsham
Hassocks Hassocks
Henfield Henfield
Hove Hove
Lancing Lancing
Lewes Lewes
Littlehampton Littlehampton
Newhaven Newhaven
Peacehaven Peacehaven
Pevensey Pevensey
Polegate Polegate
Seaford Seaford
Shoreham-by-Sea Shoreham-by-Sea
Steyning Steyning
Worthing Worthing