General information postcode area NR

The NR postcode area is also known as the Norwich postcode area and contains 36 postcode districts, 16 post towns. The Norwich postcode area is part of the East of England region.

UK regionEast of England
Postcode areaNR
Covering areaNorwich

Districts of Postcode area NR in Norwich

The NR postcode area contains the following 36 districts

NR op the map

Towns in Postcode area NR in Norwich

The NR postcode area contains the following 21 towns.

Postcode towns in postcode area NR in Norwich

The NR postcode area contains the following post towns, with the corresponding district.

Post townPostcode district
Attleborough Attleborough
Beccles Beccles
Bungay Bungay
Cromer Cromer
Dereham Dereham
Fakenham Fakenham
Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth
Holt Holt
Lowestoft Lowestoft
Melton Constable Melton Constable
North Walsham North Walsham
Norwich Norwich
Sheringham Sheringham
Walsingham Walsingham
Wells-next-the-Sea Wells-next-the-Sea
Wymondham Wymondham